Withdrawal form


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The withdrawal period expires on the 14th day after the day of receipt of products by the Customer, and if this period normally expires on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday or day off, the 1st day following. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer consumer notifies his decision to withdraw from the company LASHILÉ BEAUTY by means of a statement unambiguous, either :

By e-mail at the following address info@lashilebeauty.com or

By mail to the following address: LASHILÉBEAUTY - SASU FULLSTORE UNLIMITED 41 BD EDOUARD HERRIOT 13008 MARSEILLE - FRANCE It is the responsibility of the Customer to prove that he has exercised his right of withdrawal within the time limit and according to the terms of the associated GTC.

The Customer must complete and send this form only if he wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, by post (registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt) or by e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt to the address of his choice among those communicated above.


I, the undersigned, .............................................................................. (Name of the consumer customer), hereby notify you of my decision to withdraw from the contract for the sale of (nature of the products ordered) .............................................................................. (Complete):

Ordered on ......../......../........

Received on ......../......../........

Order number ..................................

Addressed to ................................................... (Name of the consumer customer)

At .............................................................................................................. (Address of the Consumer Customer).

Done at ................................................

A ........................................................

Signature of the Consumer Client (only in case of notification of this form on paper).

Siret 83346416700018 - APE4791B - VAT FR39 833464167