Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The company LASHILÉ BEAUTY, SAS with capital of 20,000 euros, registered in the Marseille commercial register of companies SASU FULL STORE UNLIMITED, 148 TRAVERSE DE LA MARTINE, 13011 MARSEILLE, FRANCE, Siret 83346416700018.

Intra-community VAT number: FR39 833464167

Unique identifier generated by the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME) under which the Company is registered with regard to extended producer responsibility (EPR) obligations: FR277083_01OZPV


Web development:
Email address:

In connection with the exercise of rights arising from Laws n°1881-07-29 of July 29, 1881 on freedom of the Press and n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 relating to freedom of communication, all correspondence should be addressed to the Director of Publication.

The site is hosted by:

OVH, SAS with capital of €10,000,000
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
APE code 6202A
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

The site was created by the Shopify Studio Zerance Agency, whose head office is located at 40 rue Alexandre Dumas, 75011 Paris, France.

Site Credits:
-Content management tool: LASHILÉ BEAUTY
-Site design: LASHILÉ BEAUTY
-Creation of the Site: LASHILÉ BEAUTY
-Site property: LASHILÉ BEAUTY

Intellectual property :
LASHILÉ BEAUTY is the owner of the intellectual property rights relating to the Site and its content.

As such, LASHILÉ BEAUTY is the owner of the domain name of the copyright relating to the content of the Site and the producer rights of the Site's databases, as well as all of the trademarks registered by LASHILÉ BEAUTY and to come.

Access to the Services is exclusively limited to the use of the User under the conditions and limits defined in the General Conditions available here Consequently, access to the Services for extraction, reproduction, use, resale, exchange, rental, modification, adaptation, correction, both free of charge and for a fee, is prohibited in particular. all or part of the Website, the Services, and their contents protected by copyright, trademark law, software law, the right of database producers, or by any other intellectual property right that it would be.

Personal data :

The information collected is subject to computer processing intended to improve the LASHILÉ BEAUTY / User relationship and to inform the latter of LASHILÉ BEAUTY's promotional and commercial operations.

In accordance with the “information technology and freedoms” law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the User benefits from a right of access and rectification to the information which concerns him, which he can exercise by contacting LASHILÉ BEAUTY, SASU FULL STORE UNLIMITED, 148 TRAVERSE DE LA MARTINE, 13011 MARSEILLE • FRANCE, or by email to the following address:

The User may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning him.